testing house for radon north ridgeville oh

Radon Testing

Make Sure Your Family’s Safe

Offering Radon Gas Testing to North Ridgeville, OH and All of Northeast Ohio

If you’ve ever wondered if your home has high levels of radon gas, the answer is simple: you need to test. Radon gas is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can be found in many homes and buildings. Radon is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and in high enough concentrations can be very harmful to your health.

It’s important to know whether or not your home has high levels of radon because it can cause lung cancer and other serious health problems. Radon gas testing is the only way to find out if your home has elevated levels of radon.

At BrookRidge Radon, we offer professional radon testing services for homes throughout North Ridgeville, OH, and the surrounding area. We use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that our tests are accurate and reliable; just reach out to our radon testing company today for more information.

radon testing in progress north ridgeville

Professional Testing Service

We can provide you with thorough testing and reports for your peace of mind.

Get Thorough Radon Testing for Your Peace of Mind

Trust Us to Assist You

When we provide you with radon gas testing service, we will bring over a Sun Nuclear 1028 XP continuous monitor so we can perform an accurate test. This monitor will remain in your home for at least 48 hours to rest your air; after the test is done, we’ll go back to your home and plug the machine right into a phone! You’ll be able to see the current radon level right then and there! We’ll then plug the machine into a computer so that we can generate a detailed report, which will include the radon levels in your home, the next steps you can take, and general information on radon safety.

You deserve to work with one of the best radon testing companies in the North Ridgeville, OH, and surrounding areas! If you need radon testing service, then consider giving us a call.